BONUS | Maritain, Premotion, & Predestination w/ Dr. Taylor O’Neill

Who was Jacques Maritain and why is he an important figure in Thomism? What did he teach on topics related to predestination? How did he understand God’s ‘antecedent’ and ‘consequent’ wills differently than the traditional Thomist school? Dr. Taylor Patrick O’Neill joins us to critically examine some aspects of Maritain’s thought.
Guest Bio
Dr. Taylor Patrick O’Neill is an assistant professor of religious studies at Mount Mercy University. He received a Ph.D. in systematic theology from Ave Maria University and an MA in historical and systematic theology from the Catholic University of America. His first book, Grace, Predestination, and the Permission of Sin: A Thomistic Analysis was published by Catholic University of America Press. He is happily married with five children.
- Who was Jacques Maritain and why was he an important figure in Thomism?
- Regarding predestination, on what points did Maritain agree or disagree with the traditional Thomist school?
- Why did Maritain seek to update the Banezian school in the way he did?
- What problems do you see with Maritain’s position?
- How should we understand the notion of God’s ‘anetecedent permissive decree’?
- How should we understand ‘physical premotion’ according to the Banezian school?
- Some object it’s simply repugnant to think that God could save all people and yet doesn’t. Did Maritain level this objection and how would you respond to the worry?
- Some object that the Banezian God is more like a demon than the loving God of Christianity. What do you think about this?
Grace, Predestination, and the Permission of Sin: A Thomistic Analysis by Dr. Taylor Patrick O’Neill
Predestination by Fr. Garrigou-Lagrange O.P.
Thomism and Predestination edited by Steven A. Long, Fr. Thomas Joseph White, and Roger Nutt
Dr. O’Neill’s review of David Bentley Hart’s That All Shall Be Saved (Nova et Vetera)
Dr. O’Neill’s Article on Providence and Julian of Norwich (First Things)
Pat Flynn’s Interview with Dr. Michael Torre (on Evil, Providence, and Human Freedom)
Pat Flynn’s Interview with Fr. Gregory Pine O.P. (on Mary and Predestination)
Related Episodes
BONUS|Grace, Predestination, & Sin w/ Dr. O’Neill (Parts 1 and 2)