Ep. #168 – Blue Collar Apologetics w/ John Martignoni

How did John Martignoni get involved in apologetics? What strategies does he recommend for ordinary Catholics in apologetics encounters? How can we discuss the Marian dogmas with Protestants who find them unnecessary? How might we approach conversations with atheists? John Martignoni joins the classical theism podcast to discuss these topics covered in his new book Blue Collar Apologetics.
Guest Bio
John Martignoni founded the Bible Christian Society, an apologetics and evangelization apostolate that reaches hundreds of thousands of people each year across the United States and throughout the world. For seventeen years, he hosted EWTN Radio’s Open Line, which was heard on hundreds of stations around the country. Also, Martignoni founded and runs Catholic radio stations in Alabama. He has a regular e-newsletter—Apologetics for the Masses—that has more than forty thousand subscribers in all fifty states. Additionally, he is the director of evangelization for the Diocese of Birmingham in Alabama.
Blue Collar Apologetics: How to Explain and Defend Catholic Teaching Using Common Sense, Simple Logic, and the Bible by John Martignoni
Biblechristiansociety.com (John Martignoni’s main website)
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