Ep. #204 – Reaching Agnostic Inquirers w/ Dr. Sandra Menssen

How can an agnostic inquirer approach the question of God’s existence? What role does revelation play in their quest for truth? How can miracles and the problem of evil be examined? What can we offer agnostics who find ‘faith’ to be a vice? Dr. Sandra Menssen joins to discuss these topics and more.
Guest Bio
Sandra Menssen Ph.D., is a Professor of Philosophy at the University of St. Thomas, St. Paul, Minnesota. Her Expertise is in the Philosophy of Religion. In addition to the book The Agnostic Inquirer co-authored with Dr. Thomas Sullivan, Dr. Menssen is the author of numerous professional articles, with contributions to the Routledge Companion to Medieval Philosophy, The Oxford Handbook of the Epistemology of Theology, and The Cambridge Companion to Christian Philosophical Theology. She has held a number of editorial positions, including Co-editor for Logos: A Journal of Catholic Thought and Culture.
The Agnostic Inquirer Revelation from a Philosophical Standpoint by Sandra Menssen and Thomas D. Sullivan
Contemporary Arguments in Natural Theology edited by Colin Ruloff and Peter Horban. This volume contains the essay by Menssen and Sullivan titled, “Arguments in Ramified Natural Theology.”
“Christian Religious Epistemology” (forthcoming in the Cambridge Companion to Religious Epistemology) by Sandra Menssen and Thomas D. Sullivan
Omniscience, Immutability, and the Divine Mode of Knowing by Dr. Thomas D. Sullivan
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