Ep. #181 – St. Thomas on God’s Mercy w/ Ryan Hurd

Does Aquinas hold that God is merciful? How can we say that the God of classical theism is merciful when he is immutable and timeless? What is the distinction made by Thomists between simple perfections and mixed perfections? Can we actually think of God as “most passionate” and what does this mean? Ryan Hurd rejoins the show to discuss these topics and more.
Guest Bio
Ryan Hurd is a systematic theologian whose area of expertise is the doctrine of God, specifically the Trinity. His primary training is in the high medievals and early modern scholastics as well as the 20th-century ressourcement movement. His primary project is writing a robust systematics of the Trinity.
ST I.21 – The Justice and Mercy of God
Philosophizing in Faith: Essays on the Beginning and End of Wisdom by Fr. Garrigou Lagrange O.P. (translated by Matthew Minerd)
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