Ep. #128 – Essays by Fr. Garrigou-Lagrange w/ Dr. Minerd

Who was Fr. Garrrigou-Lagrange and how did this set of essays come about? What is the Thomist critique of Descartes’ Cogito? What does Fr. Garrigou argue in an essay on the “Empiricist Skepticism of David Hume”? How does Fr. Garrigou view apologetics as “directed by faith”? Dr. Matthew K. Minerd joins us to answer these questions and more.
Guest Bio
Dr. Matthew Minerd is a Ruthenian Catholic, husband, and father, serving as a professor of philosophy and moral theology at Saints Cyril and Methodius Byzantine Catholic Seminary in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. He has translated three books into English by Fr. Reginald Garrigou-Lagrange including The Order of Things: The Realism of the Principle of Finality, and Philosophizing in Faith, which is a collection of essays that is the subject of today’s discussion.
- What is a Ruthenian Catholic and what got you interested in studying philosophy and theology at such a high level?
- Can you give us an overview of this collection of essays? What should readers expect from it?
- What does Fr. Garrigou argue in the essay titled, “The Thomist Critique of the Cartesian Cogito”?
- How does Fr. Garrigou approach “The Empiricist Skepticism of David Hume” and what does he argue there?
- What points does Fr. Garrigou make in the essay on “Apologetics directed by Faith”?
- Give us a teaser for what else is in this collection that listeners might explore if they pick up a copy.
Philosophizing in Faith: Essays on the Beginning and End of Wisdom by Fr. Reginald Garrigou-Lagrange edited and translated by Dr. Matthew K. Minerd
Philosophicalcatholic.com (Dr. Minerd’s personal website)
The Sense of Mystery: Clarity and Obscurity in the Intellectual Life by Fr. Reginald Garrigou-Lagrange, translated by Dr. Matthew K. Minerd
The Order of Things: The Realism of the Principle of Finality by Fr. Reginald Garrigou-Lagrange, translated by Dr. Matthew K. Minerd
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