BONUS|Simplicity, Triune Action, & Appropriation w/ David Moser

What did Augustine and Aquinas teach about the Triune action of God? What is meant by the ‘indivisible operations axiom’? How do Augustine and Aquinas employ the idea of ‘appropriation’? What implications does this have for how we interpret various events in Scripture? David Moser joins us to answer these questions and more.
Guest Bio
David Moser is a doctoral student in systematic theology under the advising of Dr. Bruce Dr. Marshall . He is writing his dissertation on the Christology of Thomas Aquinas, exploring theological and philosophical issues raised by Aquinas’s claim that Christ’s human nature is an instrument of the divinity. He has published articles in The International Journal of Systematic Theology, The Scottish Journal of Theology, and Pro Ecclesia, as well as a chapter on the Trinity in The Lord is One (Davenant Press, 2019). David has an MDiv and an MA in systematic theology from Trinity Evangelical Divinity School and a BA in biblical exegesis from Cedarville University. He is married to Heather, and they have two children: Elisabeth and John.
- How did you get interested in studying issues of Aquinas and scholastic philosophy and theology?
- Can you give us an overview of your paper on Triune action?
- What is the indivisible operations axiom?
- What is Aquinas’ teaching on appropriation and how does this jive with the Incarnation?
- How should we understand things like the conception of Christ’s body in the virgin Mary in light of what you’ve argued?
David Moser doctoral student webpage
David Moser’s page
The Lord is One: Reclaiming Divine Simplicity (Davenant Retrievals)
Tools for interpreting Christ’s saving mysteries in Scripture: Aquinas on reduplicative predications in christology (2020 article) by David Moser
Trinity and Mystery (blog post) by Edward Feser
Paradox in Christian Theology by James Anderson
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