Ep. #255 – Revisiting Divine Hiddenness w/ Dr. Gavin Ortlund

What is the problem of divine hiddenness? Is God a bad parent who doesn’t show his presence to his children? How can Christian theists respond to skeptics who press arguments from hiddenness? Dr. Gavin Ortlund joins us to expand on some of his recent research into the problem of divine hiddenness.
Guest Bio
Gavin Ortlund has a Ph.D. in historical theology from Fuller Theological Seminary and is the author of 6 books, including Retrieving Augustine’s Doctrine of Creation and Why God Makes Sense in a World That Doesn’t. He also serves as the senior pastor of First Baptist Church of Ojai in Ojai, California. Additionally, he hosts the popular YouTube channel and podcast Truth Unites where he aims to provide an irenic voice on theology, apologetics, and the Christian life.
Gavin Ortlund’s YouTube channel
The Hiddenness of God by Dr. Michael C. Rea (2018)
Related Episodes
Ep. #87 – More Hiddenness w/ Dr. Rea
Ep. #44 – Divine Hiddenness with Dr. Rea (part 2)