BONUS|Aquinas on How to Be Happy w/ Matt Fradd

What is happiness and how can we get it? Would St. Thomas have anything to say about comparing ourselves to other people? What will not make us happy according to St. Thomas Aquinas? How can we be happy when life is difficult? Matt Fradd joins the podcast to discuss these topics and more as we look at his new book How to Be Happy: Saint Thomas’ Secret to a Good Life.


Ep. #156 – Defending Trinitarian Classical Theism w/ Dr. Craig Carter

Why and how did you change your mind about regarding Trinitarian classical theism? What are some common mistakes you see being made in contemporary theology? How can metaphysics and Scriptural exegesis work together? What does it mean to say we can know God without comprehending him? Why is Isaiah an important book of Scripture for understanding the nature of God? Dr. Craig A. Carter joins us to discuss these topics and more as we consider his book Contemplating God with the Great Tradition.


BONUS|Thomas Aquinas as Biblical Theologian w/ Dr. Dauphinais

Is Aquinas best described as a philosopher or theologian? What is most notable about his work as a biblical theologian? How does Aquinas understand prophetic revelation and sacra doctrina? What does it mean that, Aquinas holds that the human nature of Christ acts as the instrumental cause of the communication of divine revelation and as the perfection of its reception”? Dr. Dauphinais joins us to discuss these questions and more.


Ep. #155 – Simplicity, Creation, and Adam & Eve w/ Dr. Levering

What are the divine ideas? How do they relate to creation? What should Catholics believe about the 6 days of creation? Why is it important to believe in Adam and Eve and how can belief in an original couple be harmonized with the genetic evidence? What do you discuss about the atonement in your book on creation? Dr. Matthew Levering joins us to answer these questions as we discuss his book Engaging the Doctrine of Creation.


Ep. #154 – God: What Every Catholic Should Know

What is God? What does the Catholic Church teach about the nature of God? How is such teaching supported by Sacred Scripture? Is it still tenable to hold that God is immutable given so much Old Testament language to the contrary? Dr. Elizabeth Klein joins us to tackle these topics and more as we discuss her book God: What Every Catholic Should Know.


BONUS| Criticism of Biblical Criticism w/ Dr. Jeffrey Morrow

What are the roots of modern biblical criticism? What do Spinoza have to do with the story? Who was La Peyrere and how did he influence biblical criticism? How did the magisterium respond to modernism and modern biblical criticism? How is Pope Benedict XVI’s work helpful here? Dr. Jeffrey L. Morrow joins us to discuss these questions and more.


Ep. #153 – The Eucharist w/ Dr. Lawrence Feingold

How is the Eucharist prefigured in the Old Testament? What New Testament texts support Catholic doctrine on the Eucharist? Why should we think the mass is a sacrifice? Didn’t Pope Gelasius say that the substance of bread and wine does not change? Doesn’t this sacrifice re-crucify Christ or take away from the all-sufficiency of the crucifixion? Dr. Lawrence Feingold joins us to discuss these questions and more as we look at his book The Eucharist.


BONUS|How to Talk About Homosexuality (and other tough topics) w/ Brandon Vogt

What does the Catholic Church teach about homosexuality? Why does she teach this? What are the most important distinctions we need to present in dialogues on this topic? How should you respond when someone accuses you of being hateful or bigoted? Brandon Vogt joins us to discuss these questions and more as we examine What to Say and How to Say it (Volume 2).