BONUS: Extended Conciliar Christology w/ Dr. Pawl
Dr. Tim Pawl explains and defends the coherence of adding five claims about the Incarnation to what he calls Conciliar Christology.
with John DeRosa
Dr. Tim Pawl explains and defends the coherence of adding five claims about the Incarnation to what he calls Conciliar Christology.
Summary Why do Catholics need to return to the Old Testament? What is Marcionism and why did the Church reject it? How should we understand the book of Genesis? Chris Plance joins the show to discuss these questions and more as we discuss his forthcoming book Kingdom by...
Introduction Joe Schmid [1] wrote a blog post titled, “A Plethora of Prima Facie Problems for Classical Theism.” He explains the post is not a “decisive refutation” of classical theism, but rather a brief look at a number of “at first glance” problems. I’ve invited several classical theists...
Summary Does the Kalam Cosmological argument depend on the A-theory of time? Is it possible that it can also work on B-theory? In this episode, Curtis Metcalfe defends a version of the Kalam argument granting a B-theory of time. We also discuss some objections that have been leveled...
Summary What is the logical problem of evil? How should we think about particular, horrendous evils? Do they provide evidence against God’s existence? What about natural evils like COVID-19 and animal suffering? In this episode, Dr. Josh Rasmussen joins us to talk through a whole host of philosophical...
Who has the burden of proof: atheists or theists? What considerations go into answering this question? What did Anthony Flew use to argue that the burden of proof was on theists? How can we respond to Russell’s teapot? What should we think about evidentialism and Reformed epistemology? How does Pascal’s wager fit into this discussion?
Dr. Tomas Bogardus joins us to tackle these issues in detail. He has done a lot of thinking about this question and distills some of the most important ideas needed to answer those questions.
Summary How should we understand divine action? How is causality being discussed today in science and philosophy? How should we understand the relationship between science and philosophy when it comes to causality? In light of classical theism, how should we understand things like miracles and human freedom? Fr....
Summary How should we understand the inspiration of Scripture? Is the Bible wholly inerrant? What has the Church taught regarding this? How should we understand the ideas surrounding Dei Verbum 11? Dr. Lawrence Feingold joins us to answer these questions and more. Guest Bio Dr. Lawrence Feingold is...
Summary How can the Catholic Church teach X when the Bible says otherwise? Karlo Broussard joins us to discuss his new book, Meeting the Protestant Challenge, which aims to meet 50 challenges of this sort. We discuss Acts 15, the canon of Scripture, as well as graven images...
Summary According to classical theists, God lacks passions. That means he is *not* passionately in love with us. Why would one hold to such a position? How does one get around the passion-soaked language of the Old and New Testaments? Is there any scriptural warrant for the view...