Ep. #72 – Is Faith in Christ Irrational? w/ Fr. Gregory Pine

Summary What is ‘faith’ in the Christian tradition? Is it irrational? How can it be rational if it goes beyond reason? What’s the difference between faith in Christ and faith in the Church? What does it mean when St. Paul argues that we’re justified by faith? How are...


Ep. #71 – Why Take Jesus Seriously? w/ Michael Gormley

Summary Why take Jesus seriously when there are so many religious figures one could follow? What specific prophecies did Jesus actually fulfill and how do we know this wasn’t just forged? Also, if Jesus is so great then why didn’t he condemn slavery? Catholic evangelist Michael Gormley joins...


Ep. #69 – Exegetical Support for Classical Theism w/ Dr. Dolezal

Summary This episode is two parts. 1) A conversation on Gary Michuta’s show about What is Classical Theism and Why Should We Hold to It? 2) A bonus conversation with Dr. James Dolezal about Scriptural Support for Classical Theism. He discusses Revelation 4:11, Acts 14:15, Acts 17, and...


BONUS|Grace, Predestination, & Sin w/ Dr. O’Neill

Summary Part One: Should Catholics believe in Predestination? What are the competing views? Why did several 20th century Thomists seek to update the traditional Thomistic doctrine on the subject? How does Banezianism differ from Calvinism? Dr. Taylor Patrick O’Neill joins us to discuss these questions. He draws from...


Ep. #66 – Simplicity & Modal Collapse w/ Christopher Tomaszewski

Summary Divine Simplicity faces a significant objection from “modal collapse.” If God is simple and His one simple act of creation is identical to Himself, then doesn’t that imply creation is necessary? How can the absolutely simple God bring about a world chock full of contingency? Christopher Tomaszewski,...


Ep. #65 – Simplicity & the Trinity w/ Paul Chutikorn

Summary How does absolute divine simplicity cohere with the trinity? What is meant by trinitarian monotheism? Doesn’t Aquinas’ exposition lead us to inevitable contradictions in the Godhead? Paul Chutikorn joins us to unpack the concepts and vocabulary needed to understand the trinity. He argues that Trinitarian monotheism is...