Ep. #30 – Understanding Church Authority with Jimmy Akin

Summary Many Catholics and non-Catholics alike fail to make careful distinctions regarding Church teaching. With many helpful examples, Jimmy explains the numerous categories of magisterial statements. Additionally, he touches on non-magisterial statements and the authority of the code of canon law. Catholic apologist Jimmy Akin defends the claim...


Ep. #25 – A Divine Simplicity Primer with Paul Chutikorn

Summary Paul Chutikorn provides a primer on the doctrine of divine simplicity (DDS). Along the way, he explains the meaning of the terms essence and existence as well as discussing univocal vs. analogical predication. Lastly, he answers two big objections to the doctrine of divine simplicity. Guest Bio Paul Chutikorn...


Covington, Baby-Killing, and Divine Simplicty

By now, you’ve probably seen the bad news of the past week. Here are the most sinister details about two terrible stories.  Story A: The 16-year old Covington Catholic boy who was vilified for smiling at a Native American.  Sinister detail #1: In this case, the mainstream media have revealed they...


Ep. #24 – Aquinas on Evil with Dr. Gloria Frost [Interview]

Summary Dr. Gloria Frost presents the privation account of evil affirmed by Aquinas and explains his answer to the logical problem of evil. Additionally, Frost comments on Aquinas’ commentary on the book of Job and shares some insights related to animal suffering and natural disasters. Guest Bio Dr. Gloria Frost is an associate...


BONUS|Science & Faith with Dr. Trasancos [Interview]

Summary Dr. Stacy Trasancos joins the podcast to discuss alleged conflicts between faith and science. We discuss the proper relationship between faith and science, why many scientists are atheists, the topic of evolution, and the teachings of Fr. Stanley Jaki. Guest Bio Dr. Stacy Trasancos is a convert...