An Excellent Contingency Argument

Fr. James Brent O.P. does an excellent job of summarizing, explaining, and defending a contingency argument found in Aquinas’ Summa Contra Gentiles, Book two, chapter 15. Here’s the text of Aquinas: Again, everything that can be and not-be has a cause; for considered in itself it is indifferent...


3 Questions to Ask an Atheist

Your friend reveals he’s an atheist. How do you approach the discussion? In a previous post, I explain the #1 tactic in conversations on tough topics is to ask questions rather than make statements. It’s also important to prepare for these discussions. So, what questions should you ask...


How Can You Be Religious in this Age of Science?

How can one still be religious in this age of science? The main reason: because scientism is false. Scientism is the belief that only science provides us with knowledge. Or to phrase it another way: science is the only way of arriving at the truth about reality. I’ve tackled this objection briefly...


Two Thomistic Talks on the Problem of Evil

I had the privilege of listening to two Thomistic lectures on the problem of evil from two sharp, female philosophers. Lecture #1 – Dr. Gloria Frost First, Dr. Gloria Frost delivered a lecture entitled The Goodness of God and the Evil in Our World: Aquinas on the Problem of Evil. Pay extra attention to Dr....


How to Read Over-priced Books

I treasure great books. Yet, some great books cost a ton. In many cases, over-priced is an understatement. Consider Brian Davies’ book on The Reality of God and the Problem of Evil that I blogged about in 2018. It’s currently over $40 in paperback. Or how about the...


Davies Responds to the Problem of Evil (Part 2)

“I don’t think the problem of evil is a very compelling argument at all when considered as an objection against God’s existence. Brian Davies would agree with that.” – Dr. Edward Feser (source) In part 1 of this series, I summarized Brian Davies’ approach to the problem of...


How to Make a Good Case for the Resurrection

My friend texted me the other day: What’s your argument if someone says Jesus is just a crazy person? I would respond in the following way. What Evidence Do You Have? What evidence is there to support that Jesus’ supposed insanity? The Gospels certainly do not portray him...


Dr. Craig’s Response to the Problem of Evil

Take a look at this great synopsis of Dr. William Lane Craig’s work on the problem of evil in these two, short, wonderfully-produced videos. Strengths (1) The video aptly rebuts the logical problem of evil. Any atheist who continues to assert the logical problem of evil in response...


Museum of the Bible (Reviewed)

My wife and I had the privilege of enjoying one of Washington D.C.’s newest museums: Museum of the Bible. Our one-day visit lasted for just over 4 hours. Of course, we did not see and do everything (the museum is massive), and we focused on some areas more...


Answering Atheist Slogans_2.0

I completed the second edition of my eBook on Answering Atheist Slogans. Here’s what’s new: A new chapter on the slogan, “If you were born in Saudi Arabia, You’d be a Muslim.” A new appendix on “The Bible Supports Slavery.” Other updates to prior chapters, the introduction, and conclusion. Here’s the...