What is Classical Theism? (Part 4)

Can we prove that God exists? In parts 1 – 3 of this series, I defined “proof” in terms of ‘metaphysical demonstration’ and defended the first 3 premises of an Aristotelian proof of God’s existence. In this post, I define key terms in premises 4 and 5 of the...


What is Classical Theism? (Part 3)

In part 1 of this series, I explained what I mean by metaphysical demonstrations that lead to the God of classical theism. In part 2, I summarized an Aristotelian argument and defended the first two premises. Here, I defend the next step of the argument, which eventually leads us...


What is Classical Theism (Part 2)

In part 1, we distinguished “signpost arguments” for something supernatural from “metaphysical demonstrations” for the God of classical theism. Next, we examine one of these metaphysical demonstrations: an Aristotelian proof of God’s existence. Dr. Edward Feser ably defends this demonstration in his recent book. Let’s jump right in....


What is Classical Theism? (Part 1)

What is classical theism? For one, it’s a notion all too commonly ignored. Catholic Philosopher Dr. Edward Feser writes: I have often complained that it is not just New Atheist types, but too many contemporary Christian thinkers, who are operating with a seriously deficient conception of God and...


If You Support This Passage, You Support Slavery

In part one, I explained some crucial distinctions as to what the word “slavery” means and why this is important when discussing slavery in the Bible. In this post, I take on a difficult passage. Here’s the big question: What would you do if an atheist quoted you...


Why Not Take Pascal’s Wager?

In one conversation, a non-religious friend told me he thought both sides of an atheist-theist debate defended a rational position. He said this in response to the book An Atheist and a Christian Walk into a Bar, which I recommended to him. Despite considering the arguments of the book, he...


“The Bible Supports Slavery!” – How to Respond

The Bible supports Slavery. This slogan provides atheists with an easy reason to dismiss the Bible. They will say: “How can you support the Bible when it supports slavery? It’s an immoral book that only a blind idiot would follow.” This is a good opportunity for you to...


Evil is a Problem for Atheism

In a previous post, I explained how various tenets of the Catholic Christian worldview fit with the facts of evil and suffering in the world. In this post, I consider how the facts of evil and suffering fit with atheistic worldviews. I will examine two ideas directly related...


Answering Atheist Memes (Part 2)

On the Facebook page for Classical theism, the atheists only seem to interact through memes. So, I’ve decided that I will answer any memes they post! In the future, I can simply respond, “I’ve answered that meme here [insert link].” You will benefit from these. For each meme,...