A Brief Catholic Christian Reply to Charlottesville

Racism, Charlottesville, and Christianity In case there was any doubt about the Christian view of racism: 1) Tim Keller explains how the bible firmly stands against racism. (source) 2) Libertarian Christian Bob Murphy has a nice, concise response to self-described Christians preaching hatred of Jews: (source) It’s not...


Davies Responds to the Problem of Evil (Part 1)

Davies and Theodicy Brian Davies O.P. wrote The Reality of God and the Problem of Evil (2006), and it is the best book I have ever read on the subject. Drawing upon the work of St. Thomas Aquinas and others in the Aristotelian-Thomistic tradition, Davies defends many theses and...


Answering 3 Atheist Memes

I ran across some atheist memes recently. Here are some quick answers. Of course, the full answer to a meme sometimes requires an essay. But in the day and age of short snippets of information, it’s best to say something brief rather than nothing at all (or a long essay no...


Facing the Problem of Evil (Part 3)

In part 1, we examined how to situate the problem of evil in conversation. In part 2, we answered the logical problem of evil. We saw that the logical version poses no threat whatsoever to the existence of the God of classical theism. Paul Draper, an agnostic scholar,...


Facing the Problem of Evil (Part 2)

In part 1, we examined how to situate the problem of evil in conversation. While we can pray for the person and empathize when people face the emotional problem of evil, we want to have answers when they tackle the intellectual problem. Recall two subdivisions of the intellectual...


Facing the Problem of Evil (Part 1)

The problem of evil and suffering gives many believers pause. They are stumped when a popular atheist objects, “Anyone who walks into a children’s hospital knows there is no god.” Of course, that’s a false claim. But let’s fill in the missing premises of the argument. Anyone who walks...


I Believe in One Less God Than You Do

Some popular atheists register this objection:  You do not believe in 2999 other Gods like Zeus, Thor, or Krishna. You should be reasonable and take that logic one step further. I follow the pattern to it’s logical conclusion. I’m an atheist, and I believe in ONE LESS God than you do. ...


The Gospels were NOT Anonymous (part 2)

In part 1, I summarized the evidence against the anonymous Gospels hypothesis. It’s a strong case. But you might wonder, if the case is so strong, why do many scholars oppose it? For example, the NABRE introduction to all of the Gospels promotes the anonymous Gospel theory: From...


The Gospels were NOT Anonymous

Many people subscribe to the anonymous Gospel theory. That theory says the Gospel authors wrote their works and circulated them anonymously.  The New American Bible Revised Edition reports that the majority of scholars hold the following view: The ancient tradition that the author was the disciple and apostle...