Your Worldview Has Problems

Your worldview has problems. How do I know this? Because every worldview has problems. Our limited minds fail to grasp reality perfectly. This doesn’t mean that we can’t grasp some truths. And it doesn’t mean we can’t know any of the big things in life. But it does mean we...


There is No Evidence for God

Many atheists object: There is no evidence for God’s existence. How would you reply? It’s tempting to trot out evidence immediately. Have you ever heard of X, Y, and Z arguments for God? What about all of these intelligent believers A, B, and C!? There is definitely truth...


I Don’t Believe in God; I Believe in Science

I don’t believe in God; I believe in science. Ever heard this one? Here’s another version. As someone enlightened by science and modern technology, I can’t bring myself to believe in God and old-fashioned superstition. People used to believe in gods that caused lightning and other natural phenomena...


Aquinas Has Been Thoroughly Refuted

“Aquinas has been thoroughly refuted.” Maybe your college friend said this. Perhaps even a professor. It’s not uncommon to hear such an assertion thrown out there. I’m using it here to illustrate this idea: you don’t need to rebut phantom arguments. A phantom argument lacks substance, specificity, and clarity....


Give More Compliments

People like compliments. They like to be praised. I always enjoyed receiving praise from my teachers. I like when my wife tells me I’ve done something well. As Christians, we fight the sin of pride and the urge to desire human praise in a way that leads to...


How to Respond Like a Pro

It’s difficult to think on the spot. Suppose you’re trying to explain rational arguments for God’s existence. No matter how well you know the arguments, skeptics can rattle off quick objections like machine gun fire: Why is there evil if God exists? Children die of cancer all the...


Punch the Bully in the Nose

Schoolyard bullies expect you to cower in fear and fold. If the bully has you outnumbered, this is especially true. However, if you catch him off guard, face him, and punch him right in the nose, the shock of the situation may be enough to ward off the...


Avoiding Hell in Discussions (3 Tips)

You don’t want your discussions to go to Hell. This does not mean the topic of Hell should never arise. Rather, you want to monitor the temperature of the discussion very carefully and use the right tactics to prevent an overheated conversation. In part one of this series, I revealed that...


Stop Losing Debates (The #1 Thing)

I bet you lose a lot of debates. I bet you’ve offered up some fantastic points only to be clobbered by a room (or Facebook group) of unpersuaded, skeptics. On topics related to Donald Trump, God’s existence, the minimum wage, abortion, homosexuality, same-sex marriage, socialism, or state nullification, you’ve...