Ep. #236 – What is Classical Theism? w/ Dr. Edward Feser

What is classical theism? What makes it distinct from theism in general? How should we answer common charges that classical theism makes God cold, distant, and unloving? Is there accuracy to the charge that classical theism is based purely on Greek philosophy as opposed to Scripture? What should we make of the confusion over terminology, specifically regarding “theistic personalism”, “neo-classical theism”, “process theism”, and other labels? Dr. Edward Feser joins us to discuss these topics.


The Word Set in Stone by Dave Armstrong

In his new book The Word Set in Stone, Catholic apologist Dave Armstrong defends the reliability of the Bible. Armstrong contends that Archaeology, Science, and History back up the veracity of Sacred Scripture. He takes the reader on an adventure with examples from Genesis, Exodus, and other Old Testament books as well as findings relevant to the Gospels. The book serves as an antidote to the steady diet of objections frequently posed by Bible critics.


Ep. #234 – Magisterial Reversals & No Salvation Outside the Church w/ Michael Lofton

Can the Church ever reverse her teaching? How can we define the notion of a magisterial reversal and what doctrines constitute potential candidates for this? Did the Church reverse her teaching that “Outside the Church, there is no salvation”? Michael Lofton joins us to discuss these topics.


Ep. #232 – Does Dignitatis Humanae contradict the 19th Century Popes? w/ Dr. Dunnigan

What is the apparent conflict between Dignitatis Humanae and 19th-century Papal teaching? What is Michael Dunnigan’s solution to the conflict? How can we properly reconcile particular passages in Quanta Cura with Dignitatis Humanae? Dr. Michael Dunnigan joins the show again to discuss these topics.


Ep. #231 – A Catholic Guide to Gender Discussions w/ Jason Evert

What is the important terminology to know in discussions on gender? Is gender merely a social construct? What does the evidence say regarding differences between males and females? How should Catholic schools respond to gender issues? How should Catholics respond/react to friends that identify as transgender? Jason Evert joins us to discuss these topics and his new book Male, Female, Other? A Catholic Guide to Understanding Gender.


Ep. #230 – Case Studies in Papal Infallibility w/ Dr. John Joy

How can we know when a Pope has spoken infallibly? What are the conditions that must be met? Did Pope Leo XIII speak infallibly in Providentissimus Deus? Did the Pope speak infallibly in Humanae Vitae or Evangelium Vitae? What should we make of the “manifestly evident” criterion in canon law? Dr. John Joy returns to the show to discuss these topics.


Ep. #229 – Is the Kalam sound? Jimmy Akin vs. Jordan Carstensen

Is the Kalam cosmological argument sound? In particular, is there a successful philosophical argument for the finitude of the past? Jordan Carstensen (grad student at Holy Apostles College) argues in the affirmative. Jimmy Akin, who affirms the scientific evidence supporting the Kalam, argues that philosophical arguments for a finite past do not work. This episode consists of a dialogue between Jimmy and Jordan, moderated by John.