Ep. #210 – Justification & Romans 7 w/ Dr. Christopher Malloy

What does the Catholic Church teach about justification? Is faith the only thing necessary for salvation? Are we saved by our own works? What are the similarities between the Catholic and Lutheran positions? What should Catholics think about Paul’s assertion in Romans 7 that sin dwells in him? Dr. Christopher J. Malloy joins us to discuss these topics and his book False Mercy.

Ep. #208 – The Trinity and Filioque w/ Fr. Thomas Joseph White

What is the so-called “psychological analogy” and what is its role in Trinitarian theology? What is the filioque? Why should we affirm the filioque? Is there a path forward for discussing this issue with Eastern Orthodox Christians? Fr. Thomas Joseph White O.P. joins the podcast to discuss these topics.


Ep. #207 – Arguments for the Magisterium w/ Michael Lofton

What is the Magisterium? How should we argue for the magisterium as Catholics? What should we keep in mind for conversations with Protestants about the magisterium? How will conversations with Eastern Orthodox Christians differ? Also, what should we think about the possibility of magisterial reversals? Michael Lofton joins us to discuss these topics.


No Brute Facts

Does theism have a major advantage over naturalism? Can theism give a principled answer where naturalism can’t? Chris Lahn tackles the topic.


BONUS|Balthasar, Christ’s Descent, & Impassability w/ Dr. Joshua Brotherton

Who was Balthasar and why is he an important 20th-century theologian? What did he teach about Christ’s descent to hell? What good do we find in his theology? Why are some of his ideas problematic? Did he hold to a doctrine of divine impassibility? Dr. Joshua Brotherton joins us to discuss these topics.


Ep. #206 – Evolution, Benedict XVI, and the Bible w/ Dr. Matthew Ramage

Does evolution conflict with Christianity? How does the thought of Benedict XVI help us navigate the questions concerning evolution? How should we interpret the creation accounts in the Bible? Why are these issues so pressing in our day? Dr. Matthew Ramage joins us to discuss these topics.