Ep. #212 – God’s Beauty & Simplicity w/ Dr. Samuel G. Parkison

What is beauty? How can we define it? Is beauty merely in the eye of the beholder? How should with think about God’s beauty? How can there be such a thing as ‘divine beauty’ if divine simplicity is true? Dr. Samuel G. Parkison joins us to discuss these topics.
Guest Bio
Samuel G. Parkison (Ph.D., Midwestern Seminary) is an associate professor of theological studies and director of the Abu Dhabi Extension Site at Gulf Theological Seminary in the United Arab Emirates. Before coming to GTS, Samuel was an assistant professor of Christian studies at Midwestern Baptist Theological Seminary, and pastor of teaching and liturgy at Emmaus Church in Kansas City. He’s the author of Revelation and Response and Thinking Christianly: Bringing Sundry Thoughts Captive to Christ.
Irresistible Beauty: Beholding the Triune Glory in the Face of Jesus Christ by Samuel G. Parkison
Revelation and Response by Samuel G. Parkison
Thinking Christianly: Bringing Sundry Thoughts Captive to Christ by Samuel G. Parkison
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