Ep. #249 – The Bible’s Foundation – The Pentateuch w/ Dr. Schmiedicke

Why are the five books of Moses so important? What are the genres and themes of the Pentateuch? What should we think about Mosaic authorship? How might we understand difficult, violent passages that conflict with modern sensibilities? Dr. Nathan Schmiedicke joins the show to discuss these topics.
Guest Bio
Dr. Nathan Schmiedicke was born the fifth of eleven children and raised on a small family farm in Michigan. He attended Catholic school through eighth grade and was home-schooled through High school. He began graduate school at Marquette University (Milwaukee). He completed his Ph.D. in Biblical Theology in 2007 and began teaching Theology, Patristics, Scripture, and languages at St. Charles Borromeo Seminary in Philadelphia, PA, and classics at nearby Villanova University.
Since 2010 Dr. Schmiedicke has been teaching Scripture courses for Our Lady of Guadalupe Seminary in Denton, NE. His doctoral dissertation is available under the title: Wrestling God (2011).
The Bible’s Foundation: A Catholic Introduction to the Pentateuch by Dr. Nathan Schmiedicke
Fr. William Rock’s blog articles at the FSSP blog
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