Ep. #95 – Two Papal Difficulties (Nicaea & Pope John XXII) w/ Matt Sewell

How should we categorize various Papal difficulties? How can Nicaea be considered an ecumenical council if it wasn’t called by the Pope? Didn’t Pope John XXII err in his teaching about the beatific vision? What does that mean for infallibility? I’m joined by Matt Sewell from the Popecast to consider these questions and more.
Guest Bio
Matthew Sewell is the host of The Popecast, a podcast about papal history and author of the popular “Popes in a Year” daily email series. He also occasionally writes at the National Catholic Register. By day, Matthew works at Flocknote to help parishes and dioceses build a more connected Church. Matthew, his wife, and their infant son, Leo, make their home in Spokane, Washington.
A Supremely Idle Question? Issues of the Beatific Vision Debate Between 1331 and 1336 by Gyorgy Gereby (academic paper available on academia.edu)
Quote from the supplement in the Summa: “Gregory proposes and solves this very difficulty (Dial. iv, 25): “If then,” he says, “the souls of the just are in heaven now, what will they receive in reward for their justice on the judgment day?” And he answers: “Surely it will be a gain to them at the judgment, that whereas now they enjoy only the happiness of the soul, afterwards they will enjoy also that of the body, so as to rejoice also in the flesh wherein they bore sorrow and torments for the Lord.” The same is to be said in reference to the damned.”
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