Ep. #195 – Classical Theism & Petitionary Prayer w/ Dr. Cohoe

What is prayer? What is petitionary prayer? How can prayer affect things? If God is immutable and impassible, then how can he meaningfully respond to our prayers? Why does God desire us to pray if he is all-powerful? Dr. Caleb Cohoe joins us to address these topics.
Guest Bio
Dr. Caleb Cohoe is an Associate Professor of Philosophy at the Metropolitan State University of Denver. In 2012, he received his doctorate in Philosophy from Princeton University, where he was enrolled in the Program in Classical Philosophy. He works on ancient Greek and Roman philosophy, especially Aristotle, Plotinus, and Augustine, and their relevance for contemporary philosophy of religion. Cohoe is also interested in philosophy as a way of life and religious ways of life. He serves as one of the Lead Faculty Advisors for the Philosophy as a Way of Life Project, sponsored by Notre Dame and the Andrew Mellon Foundation.
Dr. Caleb Cohoe’s academia.edu page
The Unchanging God of Love by Fr. Michael J. Dodds O.P.
Aristotle’s on the Soul: A Critical Guide by Dr. Caleb Cohoe
God and Prayer by Scott Davidson (Cambridge Elements Series)
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