BONUS|Gilson on Being a Thomist w/ Fr. Philip-Neri Reese O.P.

Who was Etienne Gilson and why is his work important? How did he make traditional Thomistic distinctions regarding understanding, knowledge, faith, and sacra doctrina? What did he think it meant to be a Thomist? Fr. Philip-Neri Reese O.P. joins us to discuss these questions and more.
Guest Bio
Fr. Philip-Neri Reese, O.P. is a friar preacher (Dominican friar) of the Province of St. Joseph. His research interests focus on the history of metaphysics (especially Peripatetic metaphysics and scholastic metaphysics), metametaphysics, and philosophical methodology.
- How did you get interested in Thomism and philosophy?
- Who was Etienne Gilson and why was his work important?
- What distinctions did he make about understanding, knowledge, faith, and sacra doctrina?
- Who was Bergson and what does Gilson mean by “the Bergson affair”?
- What did Gilson think it meant to be a Thomist?
- Give us a sneak peek at your doctoral research.
The Philosophy and Theology by Etienne Gilson
Fr. Phili-Neri Reese’s webpage
History of Philosophy Forum at Notre Dame
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