Ep. #35 – The Principle of Causality with Dr. Koons

Does the Universe have a cause? Dr. Robert Koons, a philosopher
Additionally, Dr. Koons ties the causal principle to arguments for God. He explains two ways that his arguments support the project of showing that God exists. He also recommends outstanding resources on the topic and answers several objections.
Guest Bio
Show Outline
In the first segment, Dr. Koons tells us more about his background in philosophy and religion. He also explains what he means by a causal principle and why we should have a robust causal principle.
In the next segment, he answers several objections to the principle of causality. He shows why circular causation and infinite regress are implausible alternatives to the idea that the universe has a cause.
In the final segment, Dr. Koons discusses arguments for God and how the causal principle relates to those. He provides a list of many high-level resources and information for those who want to find out more.
Resources Mentioned
Note: The Paper I drew from in this episode is no longer available on Dr. Rob Koons’ website. However, a wealth of other papers and blog posts are available there that should aid you on your philosophical quest.
Necessary Existence by Alexander Pruss and Josh Rasmussen
Infinity, Causation, and Paradox by Alexander Pruss
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“The Paper with Dr. Koons that I draw from during the episode” is a broken link. Could you please replace it ?
Yes, thanks for letting me know. I will fix it. Peace, John
Unfortunately, Laurent, the paper is no longer available on Rob Koons’ website. I’m sorry for the inconvenience. But he has a lot of papers available there that may assist you in your study.