Ep. #161 – Another Look at St. Thomas’ First Way w/ Dr. Michael Sirilla

What are the differences between philosophical physics and modern physics? What’s the difference between metaphysics and physics? How should we understand St. Thomas’ First Way? Is it a physical or metaphysical demonstration? What are the key premises and how are they defended? How can Aquinas leap to God as the conclusion of his First Way? Dr. Michael Sirilla joins us to discuss these issues and more.
Guest Bio
Michael Sirilla is a Professor of Systematic Theology at the Franciscan University of Steubenville, where he has taught since 2002. His research has focused on ecclesiology and Aquinas’s theology of the episcopacy. Archbishop Augustine Di Noia, OP wrote the foreword for his book, The Ideal Bishop: Aquinas’s Commentaries on the Pastoral Epistles. His other research interests include natural theology, fundamental theology, and the theology of the Church’s magisterium. He lives in Steubenville, Ohio with his wife, Laura, and their eight children.
The Ideal Bishop: Aquinas’s Commentaries on the Pastoral Epistles
The First Way in the Summa Theologiae (newadvent.org)
Theologyandinsanity.com (website for the podcast hosted by Michael Sirilla and Dave VanVickle)
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That was realy intetesting, thanks to you and your guest!… also, are you going to make a debrief/review of the recent Horn-Watkins debate? I think that your channel would be great for that