Ep. #38 – Answering Atheist Slogans on Radio

Gary Michuta interviewed me for the Hands on Apologetics radio show. We discuss the meaning of classical theism as well as how to answer atheist slogans in conversation.
Guest Bio
See the ABOUT page for more about me.
Show Outline
In the first segment, we discuss the meaning of classical theism and how it differs from theistic personalism. I explain the different thinkers and arguments behind the classical theism tradition.
In the next segment, I explain how to answer the following two atheist slogans in conversation: (1) “There’s no evidence for God’s existence” (2) “I don’t believe in God; I believe in science.”
In the final segment, I answer two more atheist slogans: (3) “Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence” (4) “You take the Bible literally? Hahaha!”
Resources Mentioned
My FREE Ebook on Atheist Slogans
Five Proofs of the Existence of God by Dr. Edward Feser
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