Ep. #198 – Arguing for the Papacy

How should we argue for the Papacy as Catholics? How have Suan Sonna’s arguments for Catholic positions developed over the past couple of years? Is there good evidence for an Isaiah 22 – Matthew 16 parallel? Suan Sonna joins the podcast again to discuss these topics.
Guest Bio
Suan Sonna is a philosophy student at Kansas State University whose main interests are the metaphysics of God, moral philosophy, political philosophy, and ecclesiology. He currently runs the Facebook page, podcast, and YouTube Channel Intellectual Conservatism.
Intellectual Conservatism (Suan’s YouTube channel)
Suan Sonna’s Articles for Catholic Answers
Simon Peter’s Denial and Jesus’ Commissioning Him as His Successor in John 21:15-19: Studies in their Judaic Background by Roger David Aus
The Best Case for God’s Existence with Robert C. Koons (an episode of intellectual conservatism)
The Biblical Case for the Papacy w/ Suan Sonna (~3 hours on Pat Flynn’s show)
Related Episodes
Ep. #61 – Exegetical Support for Petrine Primacy w/ Fr. Gadenz
Ep. #95 – Two Papal Difficulties (Nicaea & John XXII) w/ Matt Sewell