Ep. #254 – Principles of Catholic Theology (bk 1) w/ Fr. Thomas Joseph White O.P.

What is theology? How did the theological methods of Karl Barth and Fr. Karl Rahner differ from the scholastics and neo-scholastics? What is a mystery and what is its role in theology? Can theology make progress and how does that work? Fr. Thomas Joseph White O.P. joins the show to discuss these topics.
Guest Bio
Father Thomas Joseph White, O.P., entered the Order of Preachers in 2003. He is the Rector Magnificus of Rome’s Pontifical University of St. Thomas (the Angelicum). He did his doctoral studies at Oxford University and has research interests in metaphysics, Christology, Trinitarian theology, and the theology of grace. His previous books include The Incarnate Lord, A Thomistic Study in Christology (2015), and The Light of Christ: An Introduction to Catholicism (2017). He is co-editor of the academic journal Nova et Vetera and, in 2011, was appointed an ordinary member of the Pontifical Academy of St. Thomas Aquinas. In 2019 Fr. White was named a McDonald Agape Foundation Distinguished Scholar. In 2022, he released The Trinity: On the Nature and Mystery of the One God.
Principles of Catholic Theology (Book 1) by Fr. Thomas Joseph White O.P.
The Light of Christ: An Introduction to Catholicism
The Incarnate Lord, A Thomistic Study in Christology
The Trinity: On the Nature and Mystery of One God
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