Ep. #12 – Responding to Sean Carroll’s Naturalism with Brandon Vogt [Interview]
John DeRosa
· Updated

Show Notes
Quick Tip
- Check out the articles at Brandon Vogt’s strangenotions.com and search for Brandon’s responses in the comment boxes of those articles.
- I recommend this classic article by Dr. Edward Feser
Show Outline
- Interview questions and some summary answers
- What led you to write Why I Am Catholic?
- Wanted to have a one-stop shop resource to give to people who were skeptical of God or the Church or who have fallen away.
- What was your favorite part of the book to write?
- Who is Sean Carroll and why is his work important?
- He is an esteemed physicist who has published many peer-reviewed works in his field. He is highly respected.
- Would you group Sean Carroll with the New Atheists?
- No, he respects philosophy and even wrote a famous blog post about how scientists should stop saying silly things about philosophy.
- What are Naturalism and Poetic Naturalism as Carroll defines it?
- Naturalism says the natural world is all there is, but it’s sticky to define this precisely.
- Poetic naturalism is the idea that there is the way the world is and there are many ways of talking about it.
- What is the big problem with Carroll’s poetic naturalism?
- It conflates utility with truth and practicality with actual reality.
- How does Carroll discuss free will what do you find problematic?
- See episode for a substantial answer.
- Carrolls discusses the beginning of the universe and why the universe exists at all. What do you think about what he has to say on those topics?
- See the episode for a substantial answer.
- What do you mean when you say Carroll’s big picture is “too small?”
- See the episode for a substantial answer.
- What books would you recommend to learn more about this topic?
- See the resources mentioned below
Resources Mentioned