Ep. #100 – Divine Simplicity & the Holy Trinity

What are the historical and theological bases for the doctrine of divine simplicity? How do Trinitarian affirmations relate to divine simplicity? What are the highlights of Aquinas’ presentation of the doctrine of divine simplicity? How can God be both triune and absolutely simple? Does the doctrine of the Holy Trinity have any application to our lives as believers? Fr. Thomas Joseph White O.P. joins me to discuss these questions and more.
Guest Bio
Fr. Thomas Joseph White is the Director of the Thomistic Institute at the Angelicum. He did his doctoral studies at Oxford University, and has research interests in metaphysics, Christology, Trinitarian theology, and the theology of grace. His books include The Incarnate Lord, A Thomistic Study in Christology (2015) and The Light of Christ: An Introduction to Catholicism (2017). He is co-editor of the academic journal Nova et Vetera and in 2011 was appointed an ordinary member of the Pontifical Academy of St. Thomas Aquinas. In 2019 Fr. White was named a McDonald Agape Foundation Distinguished Scholar.
Show Outline
In the first segment, Fr. White explains how he got interested in the Dominicans. He speaks about some the people who influenced him in that regard. He also discusses his current position at the Angelicum in Rome.
In the next segment, Fr. White explains some historical and theological points about the doctrine of divine simplicity and the Trinity. He also goes through some of the ways that God is not composed as Aquinas explains in question 3 in the prima pars. Next, he discusses why the doctrine of the Trinity cannot be proven or disproven.
In the final segment, we discuss some objections to Trinitarian simplicity. I ask Fr. White to comment on a quote from a recent paper from Dr. Timothy Pawl. Lastly, Fr. White provides some pastoral insight into why the Trinity is important for Christians and how God gives our lives deep meaning.
Divine Simplicity and the Holy Trinity by Fr. Thomas Joseph White O.P. (International Journal of Systematic Theology)
Nicene Orthodoxy and Trinitarian Simplicity by Fr. Thomas Joseph White O.P. (American Catholic Philosophical Quarterly)
Conciliar Trinitarianism, Divine Identity Claims, and Subordination by Dr. Timothy Pawl (Theologica)
A Trinitarian Trilemma for Deniers of Divine Simplicity (blog post) by Christopher Tomaszewski
Related Episodes
Ep. #64 – Absolute Divine Simplicity w/ Dr. Dolezal
Ep. #65 – Simplicity & the Trinity w/ Paul Chutikorn
Ep. #67 – Simplicity & Incarnation w/ Dr. Tim Pawl