BONUS|The Wisdom of the Word w/ Dr. Dauphinais and Dr. Levering

Why believe in God and in Jesus Christ? Why listen to the Catholic Church? Doesn’t the Church have too many rules? Why is the Church so strict about sex? How can people consider Catholicism if they don’t agree with Church doctrine? I’m joined by Dr. Matthew Levering and Dr. Michael Dauphinais to discuss these questions and more as we look at their new book The Wisdom of the Word: Biblical Answers to Ten Pressing Questions About Catholicism.
Short Guest Bios
MICHAEL DAUPHINAIS is Professor and Chair of Theology at Ave Maria University, where he previously served as Dean and Vice President of Academic Affairs.
MATTHEW LEVERING holds the James N. and Mary D. Perry Jr. Chair of Theology at Mundelein Seminary.
Prolific authors and speakers, they are the co-authors of Knowing the Love of Christ: An Introduction to the Theology of Thomas Aquinas and Holy People, Holy Land: A Theological Introduction to the Bible. Together, they have also co-edited a series of volumes on Thomas Aquinas’ theology and biblical commentaries.
- What is this book about and why did you write it?
- What do you argue in the chapter, “Why Believe in God and in Jesus Christ?”
- Why should people listen to the Church?
- How would you help a young person who says they can’t belong to the Church because they don’t agree with her teachings?
- Why is the Church so strict about sex?
- What would be your brief answer to why Catholics should look to Scripture for answers to their questions?
The Wisdom of the Word: Biblical Answers to Ten Pressing Questions About Catholicism by Dr. Michael Dauphinais and Dr. Matthew Levering
Knowing the Love of Christ by Dr. Michael Dauphinais and Dr. Matthew Levering
Holy People, Hold Land: A Theological Introduction to the Bible by Dr. Michael Dauphinais and Dr. Matthew Levering
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