Ep. #142 – The Case of Pope Honorius w/ Erick Ybarra

What is Papal Infallibility? What are some common misconceptions about the doctrine? Does the life and episode of Pope Honorius seriously threaten this doctrine? Didn’t councils condemn Honorius as a heretic? If so, wouldn’t that imply that he taught a heretical position as Pope and contradict papal infallibility? Erick Ybarra joins us to tackle these questions and more.
Guest Bio
Erick Ybarra is a Roman Catholic speaker and blogger. Having graduated from the University of Central Florida with a B.S. in Criminal Justice alongside receiving college-level training in Engineering Technology, he currently works as a Field Technician for a global manufacturer of scientific and precision instruments. Having spent years as a Reformed Baptist and then moving towards high-Church Anglicanism, he prayerfully studied the Bible and History leading to a reversion to the Catholic Church. Also, he is a co-host of the popular YouTube channel Reason and Theology. His writing focuses on Catholicism and Eastern Orthodoxy, and it can be found www.ErickYbarra.org. Erick is a Husband and Father of 5 children, living in the upper mid-West of the United States.
- How did you end up a Catholic with an interest in apologetics?
- What is Papal Infallibility and what are some common misconceptions about the doctrine?
- Who was Pope Honorious and what’s the historical context of his papacy?
- What was the historical episode that has led people to suggest he contradicts the doctrine of papal infallibility?
- Why don’t you think the Honorious episode contradicts the Catholic position?
- Didn’t subsequent councils condemn Honorius as a heretic? If so, wouldn’t that imply that he taught a heretical position as Pope and contradict papal infallibility? How would you explain this?
- Do you think the Bishops of Vatican I were aware of the Honorious episode and thus configured their definition of Papal infallibility to account for this? (A sort of ecclesial gerrymandering)
- What else might listeners be interested in related to this historical episode that we haven’t spoken about today?
Catholic Solutions to the Case of Pope Honorius (Diagram)

Erick’s Review of the Heschmeyer vs. Ortlund Exchange
Reason and Theology Youtube channel
The Founding of Christendom: A History of Christendom (vol. 1) by Warren Carroll
The Building of Christendom, 324-1100: A History of Christendom (vol. 2) by Warren Carroll
Erick Ybarra’s appearance on the Pat Flynn Show
Erick Ybarra’s appearance on Pints with Aquinas
Defending Inerrancy on the Bible Difficulty in Hebrews 9:3-4
Blog Post by Ed Feser discussing Pope Honorius and John XXII
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